Dercums Disease Treatment San Diego
It is necessary to get complete knowledge about dercums disease before moving onto dercums treatment in San Diego. Lymphatic Therapy Services took the initiative to help people fight with fat disorders through lymphatic services for dercums San Diego . Dercum disorder, also known as Adiposis Dolorosa, Anders' syndrome, and Dercum-Vitaut syndrome, is a rare disorder marked by numerous, painful fatty lipomas that affect mostly postmenopausal, obese middle-aged people. Even though it is 20 times more common in women, males account for 16 percent of confirmed cases, and it can affect individuals who are not obese. Lipomas are mostly found on the trunk and on the extremities that are similar to the trunk. In contrast to ordinary lipomas, there is discomfort that can be extreme and painful. Dercum disease is a chronic disease, which means it lasts for a long time. Furthermore, it tends to be radical. Multiple, debilitating fatty masses; (2) generalized obesity, typically in menopau...